Batfish Caveats when Modeling Management Networks

Batfish Caveats when Modeling Management Networks
Photo by Shubham Dhage / Unsplash

Today I wanted to quickly share something that you may find useful when working with Batfish. Which is around Batfish's behaviour around the modeling of management networks.

The TL;DR here is:

By default, Batfish shuts down the management interfaces of your nodes.

If you have read this and are thinking - WTF! Just to be clear. For those of you who are new to Batfish. Batfish models your network based on your configs and is purely offline. Therefore, this behaviour is only occurring within the modeled network topology.

Good good. Ok so, if we look at a management interface within Batfish, we can see this behaviour:

>>> bfq.interfaceProperties().answer().frame().iloc[3]
Interface                         eos-access3[Management1]
Access_VLAN                                           None
Active                                               False <---
All_Prefixes                           ['']
Auto_State_VLAN                                       True
Bandwidth                                            1e+12

What Else Does This Mean?

  1. The management network is not modeled. This is because, by default, Batfish models the network-based upon L3 edges, which it populates based upon active interfaces (shown below):
>>> bfq.edges(edgeType='layer3').answer().frame()
                  Interface              IPs         Remote_Interface       Remote_IPs
0   nxos-core1[Ethernet1/3]     ['']  nxos-core2[Ethernet1/3]     ['']
1   nxos-core2[Ethernet1/1]     ['']  nxos-aggr2[Ethernet1/4]     ['']
  1. The network and interfaces will not be seen within the devices routing tables, and therefore route analysis (via the below) will not be possible:
>>> bfq.routes(network="").answer().frame()
Empty DataFrame
Columns: [Node, VRF, Network, Next_Hop_IP, Next_Hop_Interface, Protocol, Metric, Admin_Distance, Tag]
Index: []

Which Interfaces are Deactivated?

The next question was how Batfish knows which interface to deactivate. The answer to this is via interface name parsing. This can be seen within the Batfish code below:

  private static final Pattern MANAGEMENT_INTERFACES =

Quick thanks to Ratul Mahajan for the pointer on this.

Changing the Behaviour

To change this behaviour, we can add an extra_args to our init_session and set the ignoremanagementinterfaces option to False. Like so:

        extra_args={"ignoremanagementinterfaces": False},

After initializing the snapshot, we will see that the management interfaces are left as active, and the network is modeled.

>>> bfq.interfaceProperties().answer().frame().iloc[3]
Interface                         eos-access3[Management1]
Access_VLAN                                           None
Active                                                True <---
All_Prefixes                           ['']
>>> bfq.routes(network="").answer().frame()
          Node         VRF          Network     Next_Hop_IP  Next_Hop_Interface   Protocol Metric Admin_Distance   Tag
0  eos-access3     default  AUTO/NONE(-1l)         Management1  connected      0              0  None
1  ios-access2     default  AUTO/NONE(-1l)         Management1  connected      0              0  None
2   nxos-aggr1  management  AUTO/NONE(-1l)               mgmt0  connected      0              0     0
3   nxos-aggr2  management  AUTO/NONE(-1l)               mgmt0  connected      0              0     0
4   nxos-core1  management  AUTO/NONE(-1l)               mgmt0  connected      0              0     0
5   nxos-core2  management  AUTO/NONE(-1l)               mgmt0  connected      0              0     0
6  qfx-access1     default  AUTO/NONE(-1l)               em0.0  connected      0              0  None


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