How to Show Which Ansible Config Changes Are Being Applied

How to Show Which Ansible Config Changes Are Being Applied

When troubleshooting Ansible settings, use ansible-config dump --only-changed to show only configurations that differ from the default. It reveals the source of the change, whether it's from a config file or an environment variable.

Here's an example 👇

$ ansible-config dump --only-changed
# Output: 
# CONFIG_FILE() = /home/rick/ansible-examples/ansible.cfg
# DEFAULT_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE(/home/rick/ansible-examples/ansible.cfg) = /home/rick/.ssh/id_packetcoders
# DEFAULT_STDOUT_CALLBACK(/home/rick/ansible-examples/ansible.cfg) = yaml
# DEPRECATION_WARNINGS(/home/rick/ansible-examples/ansible.cfg) = False
# HOST_KEY_CHECKING(/home/rick/ansible-examples/ansible.cfg) = False

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