NetDevOps CI/CD with Ansible, Jenkins and Cisco VIRL (Part 1 - What is NetDevOps?)
IntroductionIn the world of networking NetDevOps is one of the latest buzz words flyingaround. But what is NetDevOps, or even DevOps? In this 3-part series we willanswer these questions, and also dive into a NetDevOps implementation usingAnsible, Github, Jenkins and Cisco VIRL. Our example will…

NetDevOps CI/CD with Ansible, Jenkins and Cisco VIRL (Part 2 - Components & Tools)
Welcome back. Now that we have an understanding of what NetDevOps is, let’s diveinto the components and tools that we will use to build our NetDevOps CI/CDpipeline. Let’s go … ComponentsOur CI/CD pipeline will be built using a number of components. Below shows anoverview: Figure 1 - Componen…

NetDevOps CI/CD with Ansible, Jenkins and Cisco VIRL (Part 3 - Configuration & Walkthrough)
Now that we have reviewed the components and tools that we will use within ourpipelines, let’s turn our attention to each of the pipelines, the configuration,and also a walkthrough. CI/CD PipelinesWe will configure 3 pipelines - Integration, Delivery and Deployment. Let’srecap on the role each …