Fancy learning about all the new OpenStack Infrastructure tech? Then Open Infrastructure Days UK 2019 could be for you…
Tell me more!
OpenInfra Days UK 2019 is a two-day (1st-2nd April) event focusing on four subject areas, loosely arranged into tracks: Open Compute Project (OCP), Scientific Computing, Cloud Native, and OpenStack.
The first day will feature talks and presentations from operators, developers and end users across a number of ecosystems and problem areas including open hardware, container and cluster management software, resource management, automation, scientific and research computing, continuous integration and delivery, and more!
The second day will be hands-on technical workshops for those wishing to learn from recognised subject matter experts in various fields, covering everything from Kubernetes to Zuul CI.
What Else?
Well… there are,
- Over 50 speakers telling all sorts of stories of their experiences with open source infrastructure and cloud.
- 4 tracks - Cloud Native Computing Computing, Open Compute, Scientific Computing and of course Open Infrastructure.
- A workshop day that consists of 6 workshops, on Istio, Kubernetes, Ansible, Kata Containers, OpenStack Upstream, and Zuul.
- Participating organisations include Monzo, UK Atomic Energy Authority, G-Research, STFC, and many more.
When it comes to networking there are a few talks (shown below) you should certainly consider:
- Edgecore Networks on OCP
- Sonic - Enabling Fast Evolution in the Network
How to Register
To register go to: