When it comes to network automation Docker is a must have tool. Not only does it provide an easy way to deploy and run your applications (such as Nornir, Ansible, or Netbox) but it also allows you to create isolated environments for development.
To enrich your Docker journey even further I have shared my Top 3 Docker Tools below, Enjoy!
Lazy Docker
Memorising docker commands is hard. Memorising aliases is slightly less hard. Keeping track of your containers across multiple terminal windows is near impossible. What if you had all the information you needed in one terminal window with every common command living one keypress away (and the ability to add custom commands as well). Lazydocker's goal is to make that dream a reality.
A tool for exploring a docker image, layer contents, and discovering ways to shrink the size of your Docker/OCI image.
Watch Tower
With watchtower you can update the running version of your containerized app simply by pushing a new image to the Docker Hub or your own image registry. Watchtower will pull down your new image, gracefully shut down your existing container and restart it with the same options that were used when it was deployed initially.